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10/06/2008 CLNN News Volume IX The Roadkill Edition

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    10/06/2008 CLNN News Volume IX The Roadkill Edition

    Where You Heard the News First (as the bullets whizzed by )

    Quickly, Lets get current.

    First off- Busy busy busy! Time has flown and we have had nothing new-- Nothing unless you are ignoring Crysis Wars.

    Now now- I can hear you all right now " but-but".

    And I can also hear someone's voice (could be Jeffro, could be Gene,.....and then again it's could be Fiery or Phantom **someone please help us**)
    "Like, dude- dooood! It's like bugged and a hundred million twinkies to buy"

    Lies. In fact I think Barack O-Palin may be behind this movement.

    Look- the game is pretty stellar once you get past a few things. #1 being that it isnt CoD4, the most popular game around here since BF2.
    For those of you just tuning in, we are weaning our community off some serious game junk as we peddle the next addiction:

    Cains Lair Crysis Wars - Team Instant Action or Power Struggle

    We had some hysterical moments last night on power struggle as Scooter maimed and contorted me over and over. I kept yelling " but please! I just want a plane" to which he obliged and flew one right into me.

    Another note on Crysis Wars- if any of you have ever sat through the opening movie (and not got up to get additional donuts, twinkies, and power drinks) you'll know what this next part is about.

    So it's DougBob and myself versus Scooter and Juneau.
    I dunno what map it is, being that I havent had as much time as I would like to play. I start out by chasing DougBob in an armed Humvee. We of course wreck so badly that his vehicle goes airborne tail over nose, and I end up on my side taking a bullet up the nose from someone.

    Next - DougBob spawns first. Rinse and repeat right? Shuuurrre. DougBob jus' rolls that sucker right on down the road, right back to their base, and dies immediately. Now here is where the story gets interesting.

    Juneau, in his infinite wisdom and uncontrollable glee, decides to start running down the road, right? I mean cmon, you know the saying "where there is one idiot, there is bound to..." uh sorry DougBob. I got your back.
    Anyways, living up to the stereotype, I also jump into a humvee after I spawn, and I too race that sucker as hard as I can (they hit 55-60- the moving speedometer says so), I cut left n right around an obstacle-

    I hit the turn, I cut towards the base- kinda doin the darwin award "gee *hyuck* I wonder what happens next" FULLY expecting to get blown up.
    Suddenly, out of no where- Juneau hops right out from behind a building into the middle of the road. *SMACK*

    Now someone probably just said "Deer in Headlights" to themselves. But as far as I know, Deer are smarter than that- they usually come out and stop and stare at you....and of course then you mow them down and call your car insurance company. But no- Juneau was in full battle mode- running AT my vehicle- I wish Fraps was running because we laughed a good one at the site of him ragdolling and the screen shouting YOU KILLED JUNEAU +200pts

    Hey Juneau- thanks for the hood ornament. Makes me think of you everytime And the answer is "Yes"- it was just like the movie the way he got destroyed- except I was moving much faster and he was much dumber- lol (please dont ban me juneau )

    Call of Duty 4
    Rockin and rollin as usual. I mean the resistence of this game is pretty fantastic isnt it? We've been having close matches on both our servers.

    The other night I was on the HC server and it was like 8 on 8, and MAN it was a chase.

    In TDM- I've been perfecting my nade throw to the point that I think I can bank kill on count 4 nearly anything. (the nade is a 5 count by the way)

    I also saw someone do a three shot kill in a full room and then blow himself up out of sheer shock. The guy says "OMG!! I was so excited I didnt realize I had my middle mouse button held down" Ah well, saved my team from being hit with the airstrike

    The answer is- I didnt take any this week.
    Sorry, but I just loaded Fraps last night and I havent really had the time.

    Next week- I promise.

    Interview of the Week

    [In honor of the Roadkill Issue]

    Join Date: 27th Sep 2005
    Location: Stoke On Trent, England
    Posts: 12,236 [COLOR="Red"]<-- LOL! do the math with #1- since Sept 12th our English buddy has been busy!

    #1 How Long Have You Been Here? Long enough to make 11,942 posts..... I'm actually 14 days away from my 3rd anniversary.

    #2 What kind of job do you have in Real Life? PC Hardware technician/consultant for consumers and small/medium businesses.

    #3 Describe the best experience you have ever had at Cains Lair. The last day of UT2K4. Pity i couldn't stick around for as long as i liked and missed the final few rounds.

    #4 What game are you looking forward to most? Not too sure yet.

    #5 What kind of player are you? run and gun, strategic, sniper, commander, n00bish? Definitely run and gun as most of you COD4 players will have hopefully noticed.

    #6 What game do you play the most? COD4 TDM

    #7 Have you ever had your line of fire blocked by a set of eyebrows? Can't say i have but if it happens i'll take a screenshot.

    #8 What is the funniest thing you have seen in a game in the past 4 days?
    Nothing in the past 4 days as i haven't played too much. But recently i got stuck behind a table in DoD:S and couldn't move. No enemies came near me to get an easy kill and let me continue playing. Luckily the round ended pretty soon after.

    #9 What games are you playing right now? (online and single player)
    COD4 TDM, DoD:S, RCT3

    Pick one:
    If you were a hamster, what would you do? Play in one of those hamster balls. They look like fun. And this reporter can confirm - playing with hamster balls is fun

    Closing Remarks
    Well people, it's been a great week once again, which always makes it difficult to write this newsletter. Regardless of everything, this news broadcast was brought to you by Cains Lair News Network, but sponsored by our Community. That means all of you.

    Special thanks to those who contributed and we'll catch you all in the next round at a server near you.

    CLNN Bureau Chief

    I think we should make Hammy post news every night *grins*


      Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
      I think we should make Hammy post news every night *grins*
      *gasp* that would destroy his rep at all those awesome hamster parties!


        thats insane... given the fact that im already struggling to get the CoD4 stories up every week, had to miss this one cause of all the water polo games i have.


          Originally posted by Gimmie2 View Post
          *gasp* that would destroy his rep at all those awesome hamster parties!
          Speaking of of my bosses brought one in to work and I decided to show it off...BIG MISTAKE!

          The girls were so scared and screamed bloody was fantastic but at the same time life threatening to me.

          One of them at least held it...then was quick to give it back once it figured out that it can hide in your blouse...perfect hiding place if you ask me.

          Anyway...Great report today and I enjoyed our talk this morning.
          [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

          [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


            First of all, I am happy to be mentioned by Fun Hammy.

            Second... [insert funny remark about fierydrgn]

            Finally... I would also love to play with Hamster balls... (Call me hammy )


              Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
              First of all, I am happy to be mentioned by Fun Hammy.

              Second... [insert funny remark about fierydrgn]

              Finally... I would also love to play with Hamster balls... (Call me hammy )


                you've got here a typical side of K Gaytom :P


                  Hood ornament here! Read this a while ago but forgot to post. So glad my misfortune is adding to your fun hammy.


                    guys- I was on a plane several times this week and last week-

                    sorry for not posting additional news but sleep and family have been my priorities after work.

                    Hang tight- we'll have another soon enough


                      [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                      [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                        Originally posted by FieryDragon View Post
                        .... You are not yay-ing enough!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Gimmie2 View Post
                          .... You are not yay-ing enough!!!!!!






                          Better? Almost like a song! Wanna make love right now, now, now, now! haha
                          [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                          [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                            then why you're on the computer posting. Go hunting!


                              Wish I could go hunting...No gear or money for it. And I don't know the first thing about hunting.
                              [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                              [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


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