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Gameplay Impressions?

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    Gameplay Impressions?

    So... I played some VCTF tonight. Admittedly my PC is not the most up to date thing in the world which could be part of the problem... but I didn't really think it was all that great. I was bored after about 30 mins of exploring the map and getting into some melee.

    What happened to dodgejumping? Is the UT3 version of that like 99? The few firefights I engaged in didn't seem to be all that intense. I didn't even like the hoverboard. I think something is wrong with me.

    Maybe I just need to give it more time, and do some tweaking to reduce some chop and perceived lag. Was really hoping to play Warfare, to see if in the end the fun factor will be there.

    Also, the server browser is fugly. 2K4's rocked, wish it was similar.

    In a lot of ways, I'm where you are Lamont. I'm running the game quite well, but the movement has definitely been borked, and it's not all that good right now. Some vehicles don't feel quite right to me either, and things like Goliath shell deflection are even worse than ONS--you shoot 6 times at the same target, you should hope that at least some of them hit the same spot so you can adjust. Instead, they're all over the place.

    I thought Raptors were borked too at first, but I just had to get used to them. They've even more manuverable now. The downside is, dogfights seem somehow more random--lock-ons are MUCH faster, and missile fire rate is faster too. First guy to get a lock wins the fight.

    I'm a little disappointed, but I'm tempered in my opinion because a) It's going to be really hard for ANY game to be as good, or better, than UT2k4, and b) the clan guys are going to go insane-bonkers over the movement, so there is hope they'll make some tweaks before the demo, and release.

    Darkwalkers own though. I can't wait to try the rest of the Necris goodies.


    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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      While some might be tempted to say its still in beta, I think their beta is more of a polished game ready for release and this whole releasing a beta / demo is more to remind people playing TF2 and such that UT3 is around the corner.

      As for my impressions of the gameplay...hard to tell. Check out my screenshot and you'll know why...

      The server I did play on had 10 people, 5 a side and most were just exploring and triyng new things. Far from the 64 CLR server of 2k4 with hoards of peeps using strategy and such...gotta give it time
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        I need a better card to truly appreciate it (although it runs surprisingly well on a 7600GS), but I was actually kinda meh about it. For some reason it feels like an old game with new graphics slapped on. It just didn't feel like anything new...although that may be due to my getting tired of playing with the same freaking weapons for eight years. It just feels...okay. Nothing mindblowing.

        I'll give it some additional playtime to see if it can change my mind, this is UT after all.


          I'm having a great time, but then again I haven't played since when Cains 2k4 server went offline. One thing I notice though is that if you are on a server thats buggy/sucks, it really will make it seem like your client is bugged/laggy. I was worried the first few servers I hopped on ( I was falling through textures and having other camera problems), but there are a few decent ones out there (and now Cains!). So keep giving it a try.

          My system does pretty good with the game, and I love the fast pace. Hover board is ok on a sever where no one knows to use the mini, but I think it will be about useless once the game has been around for a while.


            *cough* Cain's is the best *cough*'


              Well, since I was lagging on Cains to an incredible degree (even moreso than usual), I wasn't able to play much on the server. I did get to play onsome other servers though.

              THIS is UT3? Why is everyone midget-small? Why is run speed so slow? Perhaps I haven't had a good connection yet, but why does it seem that nothing feels connected to the world? Even sorta feels that way with bots in Instant action

              I dunno. Perhaps Warfare mode really is all that and a bag of chips, and I just haven't experienced it yet. So far, I'm strangely underwhelmed. Kinda like I was about ET:QW, only at least you could run fast in that game


                Hmmmm.. not the overwhelming rejoicing I was expecting.

                Well, is this a finished product? Or the full version will be a total upscale funfest? I have no comparison since this will be the first UT product I'll have played.

                I need to get on Cain's server SOON, or you guys will OWN ME FOREVER. lololol
                ??Click me to donate??


                  I need a better card to truly appreciate it (although it runs surprisingly well on a 7600GS), but I was actually kinda meh about it. For some reason it feels like an old game with new graphics slapped on. It just didn't feel like anything new...although that may be due to my getting tired of playing with the same freaking weapons for eight years. It just feels...okay. Nothing mindblowing.
                  Graphics are really nice even on my reduced settings (1280x1024, Processing:Muted, World Detail: 1, Texture Detail:2, Screen Proc: 100%) but I can't wait to see it w/ all the eye candy on the PS3. For the most part my FPS hover around 30-40's but I wasn't expecting even that much on a A64 3000+, 1GB Ram and R800 XT...

                  Movement felt just like UT'99 although IMO the developers actually had this in mind but threw in the wall jumping and double jumps from the later versions. I do like how they made the Bender two persons and the SPMA one person to cut out all the DUI funny business.

                  Hoverboards are great if you can latch on to a Scorpion (haven't tried a Raptor) but on this map (Suspense) it's hard to stay on them due to the limited ways of attacking the flag room. They are handy in reaching the Quad Damage/Avril via the suspension cables to the upper level of the bridge. Would like to see them in action on a Warfare map to make a final conclusion...although it's funny that the hoverboard has a dodge feature.

                  I like the changes w/ the Bender, SPMA and Raptor although the Scorpion still seems really fragile even w/ the speed boost. Goliath seems to me harder to get main cannon shots to stay on target while on the move due to the recoil. The minigun is really cool though and can take out the smaller vehicles in no time.

                  Oh I hope the Friends list will eventually show what servers they are on
                  rather than just the current interface.

                  Darkwalkers own though. I can't wait to try the rest of the Necris goodies.


                    This game is a lot better than what I think most folks are saying IMO. A lot of I miss this and that and such. I played for a couple of more hours and it's really growing on me as it's own game seperate from all the other UT's. Can't wait for Warfare!!

                    The only think I will say is the Scorpion and Bender are hard to control. Seems to be a delay in the controls that cause you to run into walls a lot.



                      Originally posted by MajorDeath
                      This game is a lot better than what I think most folks are saying IMO. A lot of I miss this and that and such. I played for a couple of more hours and it's really growing on me as it's own game seperate from all the other UT's. Can't wait for Warfare!!

                      The only think I will say is the Scorpion and Bender are hard to control. Seems to be a delay in the controls that cause you to run into walls a lot.

                      Maybe you shouldn't drink and drive.

                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        Really like deathmatch so far. Voice actors rock as always: "Multikill, Rampage", really give me a thrill...

                        For the vehicles: I think they're borked. Armor seems to be to weak. Had no fun while driving...
                        Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                          Originally posted by MajorDeath
                          This game is a lot better than what I think most folks are saying IMO. A lot of I miss this and that and such. I played for a couple of more hours and it's really growing on me as it's own game seperate from all the other UT's. Can't wait for Warfare!!

                          The only think I will say is the Scorpion and Bender are hard to control. Seems to be a delay in the controls that cause you to run into walls a lot.

                          I definitely need to give it more time... but for some reason my expectations were maybe too high? Not sure. I definitely feel like VCTF-Suspense as a map is bland though.

                          Need to try out some more modes/maps, find a server with no lag and spend some time in it to see.

                          I'm a gameplay guy, don't care nearly as much about the bells and whistles. 2K4 had amazing gameplay, I'm jaded. I'll give it time...


                            Graphics are really nice even on my reduced settings (1280x1024, Processing:Muted, World Detail: 1, Texture Detail:2, Screen Proc: 100%) but I can't wait to see it w/ all the eye candy on the PS3. For the most part my FPS hover around 30-40's but I wasn't expecting even that much on a A64 3000+, 1GB Ram and R800 XT..
                            Nice? I'm running the same settings with 1.5gigs of ram and a GeForce 7300GT and my graphics look like Unreal99. Maybe it's just my computer and low settings, but gosh, I wasn't especting things to be this bad. Everythings blurry and bland, textures smeered together like peanut butter. I'll go tweak my settings and get back to you guys, I just thought I'd post my thoughts


                              I'm totally loving this so far. The movement is pretty good, however it could be faster. The graphics are awesome. And i can't wait till all the CLR's are duking it out and get some proper strategies going.

                              One thing i'm not doing with this game is comparing it to any other UT release. Maybe that's the reason i'm loving it so much.


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