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Personal preference weapons

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    Personal preference weapons

    I havent got the game yet, but was wondering what weapons everyone likes or dislikes the most. And what perks are most effective. I hear the maps are fairly large on some. So these choices could make a difference vs. the map, just like Cod4.

    At least it does for me.
    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]

    for me

    smaller maps: type 100 (sometimes Tommy gun) with bandolier, stopping power, extreme conditioning (still do that because I like to run)...or double barrel shotgun if I'm playing more for fun.

    Med maps: Gewehr 37 (sometimes MP 44 (?) with telescopic sights or the first semi auto rifle...can't remember the name...both have decent sights) with stopping power, extreme conditioning...first perk doesn't matter much since tanks aren't around.

    Larger maps: either of those two, or Tommy gun...or any sniper...if I'm tired of running.


      I can snipe on almost any map pretty well because i had lots of practice on COD4. For the medium maps i also like to use the M1 with an appature sight. Most of the rifles are good. The single shot bolt rifles are cool but u have to be a very good shot to use them because if u miss ur target they are probably going to see and shoot u in the face. The PPSH is the best machine gun class. It holds a 75 round clip and has a fast rate of fire.


        Personally, I like the PTRS sniper riffle. It's semi-auto and will take just about anybody out in 1 shot from almost any distance, even if ya hit them in the leg. I also like to use Camo and dead silence so they don't even know where i'm at until I shoot. Gives ya a great advantage if the enemy doesn't know where you are untill it's too late.


          The PPSH with the round attached is my little pwnage machine . That with bouncing betties, juggernaut, and martyrdom cause everyonce in a while someone forgets and stays just a hair too close to my corpse
          I may not get those nice long streaks as some, but I push and shove my way to the top for my team.


            All depends on whether you are trying to max out, or best bang for the buck.

            Rye uses the Tommy gun, Stopping Power, Deep penetration, and generally wipes the floor with us as the MOP.

            There isn't a clear cut winner in the sub machine guns, IMO. I've used them all, and have had good rounds/Horrible rounds regardless of the type. I thought getting the PPSH would make me THE unstoppable force, but it is less accurate than the other SMG's, so it balances out somewhat.

            PTRS sniper rifle is WAY down the road, but is the best in the bolt action category. Sniping is viable in all but 2 maps that I know of, and we don't run 1 of them for sure. Camo can be effective, as the rifles are powerful enough to kill with one shot.
            Deep Penetration allows you to shoot through walls that they are hiding behind.

            I the big belt fed machine gun, as I am a mediocre aimer at best. The drum fed machine gun has TONS of bullets, accurate, medium rate of fire, and my fav until the big honking gun was available.

            The Rifle's now are fun. Almost as powerful as the bolt actions, but quick 2nd shots. You will lose on med-short range to the subs and shotties though, unless they are already hurt, or a head shot. The M1's sights I don't like at all, but that's just me.

            I still fell in love with the MP44. It just FEELS like an awesome weapon.

            Now that we are hardcore, stopping power isn't needed on all the weapons. Jaggernaut is probably over-powered a bit compared to Stopping Power. Silent running is great on smaller counts, but with all the explosions, and firing, it's a wasted perk on most maps IMO.

            Matrydom is often used alot. I personally don't use it, and don't care for it. On crowded smaller maps where you can't move out of the way, it can really cause havoc, and a lot of easy kills.
            Just like in CoD4. On bigger maps where you aren't blocked, it is generally not the best choice.

            If you die alot, like me, bandolier is a wasted perk. Bouncing Betty's, (BB's) are great when there is a lot of movement on med-small maps. Bazooka and Sachel charges for challenges and to take out those pesky tanks.

            Dedicated Shotties and Knifers most often use Jaggernaut and Extreme Conditioning. I cannot juke and jive like those guys, and they NEVER run in a straight line for more than half a second. Bunny Hoppers are alive and well in CoD:WaW. How effective that is? Somewhat, as it does throw off your aim if you are slow like me.
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              i only use the ppsh now
              and i play CQC in all games. so....
              its virtually recoilless compared to other SMGs
              and the little recoil goes straight up (not left and right like other SMGs)
              with stopping power in half-health servers, it only takes 3 bullets to take down people at the longest distance
              i often kill ppl at sniping distance with this gun, its really awesome


                I havent gotten online yet but for single player the type 100 is kinda nice... Realy nice


                  Good stuff guys. I can never max out, just best bang for the buck, Dead_and_Gone.

                  I have a little different approach seein as how I'm about 2 seconds behind everyone in the game. Its funny though, I can shoot ahead of a guy runnin for a door and when he gets there the rounds are there at the same time. It really is funny to see.

                  I can never go toe to toe with anyone so I have to rely on sneakin around and trying to flank someone or I never have a chance. Thats why the guys that never hold still for very long I cant kill.

                  I always liked the M14,M16,MP5,AK47 in Cod4 those were good for stoppin poeple quick at a distance with the red dot. That is if i could hit em. Plus if there weren't too many run and gunners in crossfire and overgrown I could do well as a sniper.

                  I like the bigger maps, and from what I can tell WaW has a few. So the sniper weapons might do me the best in this game on those type of maps. Me knifin somebody is out of the question, so I dont even allow for that. But it sounds like I'll probably go basic with one semi-auto like the M1 and one of the light machine guns, Tommy or PPSH

                  Bandolier isnt needed either since I dont last that long. I dont like marty, just rubs me the wrong way. And I dont use last stand.There again, I dont last long enough to utilize anything like that.

                  Stoppin power and deep penetration is what I used the most. Dead silence is great when only a few people are in the game but when all hell breaks loose, its of no use. And it sounds like nades are really not a big factor in this game but maybe they are. Didnt care for nade spammin much either. But I guess its part of the game.

                  I didnt see anyone mention too much about nade launchers. Thats a good thing. (I hate Gimmie2 by the way) Never did use those at all but I know some people do. If the MP44 is like cod4 I dont know about using that. Accuracy wasnt that good for my liking, unless I was on top of somebody.

                  Some of you guys are gonna be way ahead of all the rest of us til everyone can get the game. I wont get mine til some time in January, but that dont matter. I just like to play.

                  Thanks for the input guys, and remember.


                  Killin me is easy, gettin killed by me is embarrasing.
                  Last edited by {CLR} Cobalt; 26 Dec 2008, 03:06 AM.
                  [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                    Originally posted by Cobalt View Post
                    Good stuff guys. I can never max out, just best bang for the buck, Dead_and_Gone.

                    I have a little different approach seein as how I'm about 2 seconds behind everyone in the game. Its funny though, I can shoot ahead of a guy runnin for a door and when he gets there the rounds are there at the same time. It really is funny to see.
                    That would be called lagg, and dead and gone if you dont like juking shotty users you will hate me, i got very good at it in cod4 almost like bobytt shotty style



                      January? Right around the corner...

                      There IS a Nade type launcher after you pass some minimum kills and things per gun. I played with it some for novelty sake.
                      MOE is the only one I see use it ALOT. He is darned good with it too..

                      The Type 100 I loved, thought it was much better than the tommy, as less kick, but six of one, half dozen of the other.
                      The PPSH I now, simply because it has a HUGE drum magazine. The flash from you shooting though is annoying. Guess a small price to pay.

                      I don't knife well either. IF you are facing away from me, AND I hit the right button, I can USUALLY knife you. Face-to-Face, might as well knife myself.

                      My eye hand coordination is grossly nerfed right now, nerve problems. Doctors are still scratching their heads. Old age doesn't help. And yes, I HATE Jukers. They should stand still so I can kill them, or at LEAST run straight at me.. I don't ask for much..
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                        I like the BAR. Lots of power and good for close up or long distance.

                        Where do you put the Bayonet?
                        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                        Frank Lloyd Wright


                          Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                          I like the BAR. Lots of power and good for close up or long distance.
                          +1, i'm about to start using it again myself.


                            I thought about the BAR also AW, I used it in 2 alot if I could pick one up. I had almost forgot about it.

                            Yeah, and the guys that use the nade pusher are good. At least the ones that I've seen. I've played Gimmie more than Moe, but I saw him a few times. Cant really duck from them things. They are frustrating.

                            Jack, I understand lagg. I'm the expert here. Its about my ping time buddy, I'm on the other side of the planet. But you probably didnt know that so, thanks anyway for trying to help me out.
                            [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                              I'm still a nublet at this game. So far, I like the BAR.


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