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MSI GTX 560 Ti 2GB Review

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    MSI GTX 560 Ti 2GB Review

    Hey guys, this one I'm going to make short because I know alot of you get tired of those long paragraphs that I seem to type in seconds lol

    For my birthday my mom bought me a GTX 560 Ti and I got it yesterday. At first I was excited! When I opened up the box, I was still excited. Then I got into the game and was extremely excited! I can play at ultra settings!! Ultra settings!!!

    Then I realised I was at a lower resolution. So I bumped up to 1920x1080.. Well either my graphics card can't handle it, or my monitor can't handle it one.. The frame rates would dip down low whenever there were explosions around me and smoke is horrible for this card. For whatever reason it is, the frame rate dips when there are loads of explosions and smoke around me. I'm sure this is normal, I just expected a little more from this card.

    I'm running the 1600 resolution right now and it does play smooth. Don't get me wrong, I'm not flaming this card at all! I love this card and would recommend this card to anyone that has 300 dollars to spend. It's a beautiful card and does keep cool. My temps will soar up to 48 degrees when under load which I imagine all video cards do and then when I exit the game, the card quickly cools down to 30 degrees.

    Stability is awesome with this card as well. Once I tweak the card I'm sure I'll be able to run the game with smoke and everything without hiccups. Crysis 2 is a dream to play with this card. And for the money that was spent, I couldn't ask for anything more.

    I'll stick with some pros here in this last paragraph. The card runs cool, the card maxes out the games with decent frame rates if you don't mind it slowing down when under strain. For example explosions going off around you while you're surrounded by smoke. I think it's just too much for the card at that level. Another nice feature is the PhysX software. Honestly I've heard alot of people say they don't like it or it's not worth the money compared to ATI cards. Well I've got to say that I love it and I've never seen games look like it does with Nvidia. I'm quickly becoming a fan of Nvidia haha

    I can't really think of any true cons at the moment. The games do run smooth as silk. Of course being it's a mid range card I can't max out everything and run like I want it to. That's not and I stress this point NOT to say that this card can't run games with ultra detail smoothly. You just notice a slow down. If you want to run your games consistently with FPS drops being minimal you'll have to make some sacrifices.

    I would suggest this card to anyone if they wanted a decent mid range card and would like to try out Nvidia. I've been an AMD guy for 5 years now and have loved AMD. But with Nvidia it's a whole difference experience.

    I said I was going to make this short, but of course like Satan I tend to lie lmao

    SLI Overclocked 580's and still can't run smooth at 60fps on ultra. What are you disappointed in? It's your weak CPU.


      Yep. A single card cannot run this game at ultra settigns smoothly. Especially at 1080p.

      This is the card i'll probably upgrade to once my GTX460 starts to slow down.


        hmm i put mine on auto.. maybe I should futz with the settings


          I have a PNY 560 Ti and I run at all High Settings at 1080p.


            Ive been running 1920x1200 for years


              Yeah, I don't think you can get ultra settings with that card. I am running a GTX570, and I left it on auto, which is somewhere between high and ultra. the game looks great and i average about 55 FPS.


                I can get ultra in campaign, but not in multiplayer. It's playable at ultra settings, but not enough to be fluid. I've been knocking my settings down to high so I can have that fluid motion to where it's much easier to aim.

                Still... It looks amazing. I'm running the game at 1600x1050 which isn't a bad resolution.

                60 FPS is ideal. People say we can see only 30 frames per second which might be true, but when it comes to games it's a difference aspect. You will notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS. It's in real life that we can't notice the difference.


                  Your eye cannot tell the difference between 35 and 60 fps. People think they can, but they don't realize that the stutter they are seeing is theirn fpm actually dropping below 30 because they are in an area that is graphically demanding.

                  Before HD TVs the frame rate was always 30, but TVs never dipped below 30. They were sustained 30 and I know you didn't see stuttering on that. So yes, that does mean you were ripped off by paying extra for that 120Hz TV, lol.

                  Do keep in mind that TVs benefit from the principle that your eye will correlate images together, and that this principle is not as effective on monitors because of the image is processed and reproduced on your computer and monitor so always recommend 35+ fps. That means having an average around 45 fps.


                    Actually stutter can also be game/hardware related, i've seen stutter with 90+ FPS.


                      Yep... the 560Ti can run BF3 with most of the settings set to Ultra (though with AA settings reduced) smoothly at 1600. It doesn't do so well at 1920.

                      Really, you should set the resolution to your monitor's native resolution, and then reduce the game's quality settings to get it smooth. Running monitors at non-native resolutions results in all sorts of ugly blurring and quality loss.


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