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No Star Trek Online...for now :(

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    No Star Trek Online...for now :(

    More news from the world of Captain Obvious and his sidekick, Blatant Bullsh*ttery: Developer Perpetual Entertainment (now renamed P2 Entertainment) has announced they will not continue development on much discussed MMO Star Trek Online. The game is not formally cancelled however -- the game's content and license have apparently passed into the hands of another developer in the Bay area in San Francisco, where lucky slaves are just beginning on years of hard labor.

    Key to this tale of woe is that while the new developers have the content, they do not have the code for the work-in-progress, pushing this game's possible debut from "the next few years" to "possibly next decade." Sorry, guys -- if you were looking forward to interacting in this universe, the next best thing may be to cosplay as Scotty and go to a con. Again.

    By the way, Perpetual? You might want to look for a new line of work. After blowing off Gods and Heroes (not ot mention its staff) right before its launch and all that messy Kohnke lawsuit business, things just don't look that great for you guys. Don't go the Britney route and completely lose it in public -- it's just not flattering.

    hopefully it never comes out...sorry :P


      Originally posted by Zantheus
      hopefully it never comes out...sorry :P
      I think it would be cool to try it out. Same level of fun as Star Wars Online or Matrix Online or any other game based off of a movie or even a book (Lord of the Rings, Vampire, Age of Conan). Many fans of the show would love to try and take a virtual tour of the world they have come to love.

      Why do you wish it would never come out? If it doesn't please you, then you don't have to play it. You can just ignore it as you do the countless Dora the Explorer games the come out. But if its a well made game, that the fans would enjoy, whats it to you if the game comes out or not? Unless you were molested by a klingon, then I could understand.
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        I don't know how much appeal a Star Trek MMO would have. MMOs are traditionally about fighting, and the Star Trek series is basically a soap opera in space. In order to attract the traditional MMO audience, they'd have to have a lot of combat in the game, but that would probably turn a lot of the hardcore Trekkie fans off. There's a fine line to walk there, and that may be part of the reason they've dropped the project.


          Originally posted by BigTwinky
          Unless you were molested by a klingon, then I could understand.
          LOL how you guess?


            Thats fine. the new Stargate online game is coming in the near future. so far, its looking VERY intresting, and supposedly being run on the ut3 engine.


              Originally posted by Thrashdragon
              I don't know how much appeal a Star Trek MMO would have. MMOs are traditionally about fighting, and the Star Trek series is basically a soap opera in space. In order to attract the traditional MMO audience, they'd have to have a lot of combat in the game, but that would probably turn a lot of the hardcore Trekkie fans off. There's a fine line to walk there, and that may be part of the reason they've dropped the project.
              Note: I am not a trekkie. I enjoy the shows and have seem most of them, but what I will type below may stereotype me as a trekkie, which I am not. I only own 2 pair of Starfleet issue pyjamas (just kidding.)

              you still have plenty of options for close quarter fighting and phaser battles. Take klingon hand combat and all their array of weapons could lend itself easy to fighting.

              And look at Eve Online and how it thrived (somewhat, for the diehards) and its main focus was, at first, non combat.

              There is potential. Not sure if getting into ship fighting is feasible, but I have played games where you are in a tank and need 4 people to make it work to its full potential. Having 1 is ok, but you will be way more productive with all seats taken. So might not be Enterprise vs Bird of Prey style battles, but I can see some shuttle or lesser ship fights.

              It can be like Star Wars. The fighting in there was mostly around Jedi and Blasters, with some vehicles thrown in. The rest is all about the world, the cantinas, the droids. I can see something similar with Star Trek. The world will be tweaked to make it more MMOish though. I never read the novels, but I;m sure there is a bunch of lore in there that can easily lend itself to an MMO.
              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
              So all you get is this crappy text]


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