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Gamers Better at Fast Decision-Making

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    Gamers Better at Fast Decision-Making

    Gamers Better at Fast Decision-Making | Wired Science |

    We've always known that..... The question is how many fast decisions are the right answer...


      Originally posted by mapes View Post
      we've Always Known That..... The Question Is How Many Fast Decisions Are The Right Answer...
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        Well, it's a cool premise, but the study is flawed.

        You can't ask non-gamers to use a friggin' keyboard to indicate which direction dots are flowing (as one example), when they're competing against FPS gamers.

        Try and remember how long it took for any one of us to pick up that movement scheme and become good with it. Any one of us would utterly destroy someone who doesn't game who is just given a set of keys and told to move in a direction.


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          Very good point Rand!
          Even though the study is correct in it's outcome, the method is flawed. They should have used another method that isn't biased towards the gamers home turf.
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            Actually it's also been said that gamers have better academic development than non gamers with less time study. Like, for exemple, a gamer studies 6 hours to learn 1st degree functions, and a gamer takes 2-4. Also considering both go to a test and a non gamer studied and a gamer didn't they might have the same grade.

            I've also seen a TED video of a woman afirming that gamers are what we look for. They develop better at jobs (when they do follow a career) because they thrive to success. They are heroes, they have hope, deal with the imaginary, with the real, make things happen, make the impossible happen. That's all brought into real life. Like a 'test'. Although she is most usually talking about MMO players.

            Mind you that many MANY maaaany companies take fast decision taking into consideration at interviews and group dynamics. Life is fast, money works fast. You gotta think right and think fast if you want to be ahead of others. Also, many times you will fail, but you only know you've learned by failure. You have to try and you have to be bold, so, those are also usually qualities in a gamer. I have been called for 2 companies for job interviews because I play and my business and management professor (who is one of the most famous consultant and management references in brazil) also thinks that it is a positive thing. Also shows you're not just work

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              They just call us geeks 'cuz they're jealous.


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